What is it?
DNF Medical Centers is a walk in clinic which has its very own dispensary. A dispensary is a part of our facility where we prepare and offer most of the medicine a patient might need for recovery or treatment. Dr. Norberto Fleites, your primary care physician in Orlando, always makes sure that patients get the right medical prescriptions for a better and faster recovery.
Why is it important?
Medical dispensaries are one of the most important places inside a hospital or a clinic because they provide patients and customers with a variety of medicines for both treatment and recovery. This is the right place to find the majority of your prescribed medications. We own a very large collection of medications at our onsite dispensary in order to always fulfill our customer’s wishes. We care about our patients, so we make sure that there is always a medical dispensary near you; that is why we offer an onsite dispensary at our Walk in Clinic here in Orlando.
How do medical dispensaries work?
The process of how medical dispensaries work can be divided into 6 different and highly important steps, which are:
Receiving and validating the medical prescription
Understanding and interpreting prescription
Getting items ready and labeling them properly
Making a final check
Record all the actions taken
Provide the patient with the medicine, and clear instructions on how to use it properly
Note that this process should be performed by a highly trained and qualified staff member.
Dispensing precautions
The pharmacist, who is the person in charge of receiving and providing the prescription, must make sure that the procedure is performed accurately and that the dispensing of the medicine is safe for the person named in the medical prescription. The pharmacist is also responsible for making sure that the given medicine meets all of the prescriber’s/doctor’s specific requirements.
Contact us today
For any concerns or questions, feel free to contact your primary care physician in Orlando and speak to one of our knowledgeable and experienced professionals at (321) 235-6230.