Eating healthy with diabetes

Eating healthy with diabetes

Orlando, Fla. — When you’re a diabetic  eating well plays an important role managing your condition in order to maintain your well-being and to prevent unwanted complications. As it is of importance with any type of food, you should include these super foods that are...
What A Patient Should Know About Radiology

What A Patient Should Know About Radiology

Radiology near me At DNF Medical Centers in Orlando FL, our radiologist is a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing patients with medical imaging techniques such as x-rays, echocardiograms, sonograms and more. It is important to know what type of radiology test...
Do Your Physicians Perform Bone Density Checks?

Do Your Physicians Perform Bone Density Checks?

It is important to have frequent body checks for osteoporosis treatment by a qualified and licensed medical practitioner. Most of the diseases that people are diagnosed with can actually be prevented if people can practice healthy living, which includes frequent body...
Medigap policies: What are they?

Medigap policies: What are they?

Many primary care doctors in Orlando FL accept medigap insurance, but what is it and how does it benefit you as a patient?   Medigap policies are vastly different from a Medicare Advantage Plan, which is a way to obtain Medicare coverage. A medigap policy only...
How Acupuncture Helps Our Patients With Chronic Pain

How Acupuncture Helps Our Patients With Chronic Pain

Do you suffer from chronic back pain? If so, you are not alone. 8 out of 10 people will experience back pain in their lifetime. Sufferers often turn to traditional medicine but find the treatments have severe side effects and does little to ease the pain. Many people...